Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Superfoods for Mamas

1. Eggs: Not only are eggs high in protein but they also contain 25% of a pregnant or breast-feeding woman's recommended daily intake of choline. Choline is an essential nutrient that helps boost brain funtion by maintaining the structure of brain cell membranes. A recent study suggests that eating eggs for breakfast could also help you consume less calories throughout the day. Just be aware of the confusing labels and pictures found on egg cartons. If you care about animal welfare, 'Animal Welfare Approved' seems to be the best option. According to the Humane Society, eggs that bear this title are from birds that are cage-free and required to have access to continuous outdoor perching. They must be able to perform natural behaviors such as nesting, perching, and dust bathing. There are requirements for stocking density, perching, space, and nesting boxes. Birds must be allowed to molt naturally and beak cutting is prohibited. Every other certification allows beak cutting which signifies to me that there are too many birds crammed into one location.

2. High-Fiber Cereal:  As a new mom your mornings are likely packed full of snuggles, soothing, playing, feeding and changing multiple diapers and onesies. Your brain is so consumed by that little bundle of joy that you can often forget to feed yourself.  However, high-fiber cereal makes for a quick meal and is actually quite filling, making it the perfect choice for new moms. Breastfeeding hormones can also make the intestines a bit sluggish. For this reason,  it is important to consume enough fiber to prevent constipation. Trust me ladies, you want to keep things moving! The Mayo Clinic recommends that women get 21-25 grams of fiber per day. It's easy if you also add vegetables, fruits, beans, whole-wheat breads and brown rice to your diet. Fiber-licious!

3. Wild Alaskan Salmon: Chances are you've heard the term "baby brain." Or maybe you're like me and feel as though you're a walking definition of the word. Believe it or not, incorporating salmon into your meal plan once or twice a week can help that sleep-deprived brain of yours. Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids that are not only good for your brain but, if you're breast feeding, they are also great for baby's brain development and eyesight too. Be sure to choose fish that are labeled as wild-caught since they're lower in cancer-causing PCBs and mercury than farm-raised varieties. If you're not a seafood fan, then check with your doctor about incorporating a high-quality fish oil or other omega-3 supplement into your daily routine. My naturopath has me taking a tablespoon of oil to provide a daily dose of 7,500 mg. Another helpful tip, get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep as often as you can. I know this can be challenging but even super heroes need their beauty rest!

4. Leafy Greens: Oh, how I do love the emerald hue of spinach, kale, and Swiss chard. But there's more to them than their outer beauty. Leafy greens are high in vitamin K, which is important for blood coagulation, but also play a role in bone development. Greens, such as spinach, contain folate, which is crucial during pregnancy. They are also high in lutein and zeaxanthin,  carotenoids that are considered vital nutrients to protect your pretty eyes. These are just a few of the reasons you should start incorporating more greens into your diet. Try blending them into smoothies, stirring them into soups, or try my favorite massaged kale salad here.

5. Water:  Staying hydrated is especially important for super mamas like us because breast-feeding puts us at a higher risk of becoming dehydrated.  Not only does dehydration leave you drained of energy, but it can also affect your milk supply. Be sure to consume 8-12 cups of fluids per day. Water is the obvious choice but other fluids such as milk, juice and decaffeinated tea also count. I'll admit I don't love plain water. One way to spruce up a glass of water is to flavor your own with fresh fruits and herbs.  My favorite add-ins are lemon, cucumber and mint leaves. Ahhh...Take a sip and relax.

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