As my little one's first birthday hastily approaches, there are a multitude of emotions swirling around. I am excited for the new milestones, but sad to leave others behind. I always imagined by twelve months I would be so sick of pumping that I would gleefully throw the clunky thing into storage and be done with it! Now that the time has arrived, I'm not so sure. When we started nursing, it wasn't exactly easy but by week six we were pros. He fit so perfectly in my arms as I nursed and rocked him, often admiring his cuteness for hours as he slept.
Today, as a mom to a curious and busy toddler, nursing is the closest to snuggling that we get. Except now his legs dangle over the side of the recliner as I nurse and he's often kicking his feet, noisily patting my chest, or trying to stick his little fingers in my mouth, nose, or eye. I do give Finn organic yogurt and cheese, but why give him cow's milk just yet when I am still able to produce milk that is perfectly suited for his developing little body? I think I will continue to nurse for the next three months. In August, I'll cut back to a morning and evening feed, and then in September work up to eliminating those feeds before I fly to New Hampshire. I'll be gone for a week so that will be the perfect time to stop breastfeeding for good. It's sad to think about, but I am so thankful we've made it this far!
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